2008年12月14日 星期日



A. Introduction
The main reason to write a collection development policy is to prevent the library from being driven by events or by individual enthusiasms and from purchasing a random set of resources, which may not support the mission of the library. Besides, electronic resources are becoming increasingly important to libraries of all types and sizes, and are consuming an ever-increasing share of library budgets. Therefore, selection decisions concerning electronic information resources should also be made within an explicit collection development policy. This might be a separate policy or an integrated one.
The first elements of a collection development policy will be a mission statement of the library, the purpose of this policy and the audience to whom it is addressed. It should also include brief statements about the community or user group(s); description of the types of programs the library collection serves; the size (including number of periodicals, monographic volumes, electronic resources, languages represented) of the collection; a detailed budgetary overview of the money the library will spend on the different types of information resources; and any formal or informal cooperative agreements that affect the collection policy or practices.

B. General Statements
Here will be listed characteristics that determine the direction of the development of the
collection such as: current focus only or also retrospective acquisitions; the resource types(monographs, periodicals, theses, gray literature, maps, etc.); languages; formats (printed, nonprint or electronic); special sources of funding (a grant or gift from a donor); the policy regarding gifts and any special policies regarding maintenance (weeding, discarding, preservation) of the collection; and size of the collections. Other statements can be about how complaints are handled; if there is an equivalent to the "Library Bill of Rights"; about other relevant policies; what limitations exist - what subjects or areas are intentionally not collected etc.

C. Narrative Statements
Each institution, including its community and other constituents, is unique. Therefore, its policy statements will be unique. The policy statements should reflect this particular library and the community it serves.
•Statements should be made of special subject or format collections that represent unique
materials and for which special guidelines apply, and which formats are excluded.
•The scope of coverage should be described (languages collected or excluded; geographical areas covered and/or specific areas excluded; chronological periods covered by the collection in terms of intellectual content and in terms of publication dates and specific periods excluded).
•Subjects should be described in terms of the library’s classification scheme and subject descriptors.
•Library unit or selector responsible for the collection(s).
•Other categories of useful local information, such as interdisciplinary relationships;
consortial relationships; policies for acquiring access to information.
•Other factors of local importance.

D. Subject Profiles
This section of the policy is based upon collection assessment (also referred to as collection evaluation) and needs periodic updating to reflect progress towards goals or goal revision due to changing circumstances. The preferred presentation is a set of conspectus reports, which include all appropriate collection information. Conspectus means an overview or summary of collection strength and collecting intensities – arranged by subject, classification scheme, or combination of either, and containing standardized codes for collection or collecting levels and languages of materials collected. Such a conspectus is a synopsis of a library’s collection or of a consortium’s or network’s coordinated collection development overview or policy. The first conspectus was developed by the Research Libraries Group (RLG) and was subsequently adapted by other groups such as the WLN (Western Library Network). The information should be provided for each conspectus division (24), category (500) and subject (4000) evaluated by the library. See the Appendix for the list of the 24 Conspectus Divisions.
The assessment is achieved by a number of steps which include planning, gathering data, assigning collection depth indicators (or levels) and language codes. This information is used to manage the library's resources and to make other decisions relevant to the general operations.評估的完成藉由一系列步驟,其中包括規劃收集資料,指定館藏深入指標(或水平)和語言代碼。此資訊是用來管理圖書館的資源和作出與其他決定有關一般的經營。
